Latest Episodes

Choose to be Wise

Prepare to Meet Thy God

Choose to be Wise

In the story of the 10 virgins, five foolish virgins came without any preparation, but the other 5 virgins came well prepared.

Searching God

God Who Searches

Searching God

God searches our hearts and minds to let Him inside. If we allow, he has promised us eternal life. Find out how you can let this God into your life.

Importance of Sanctuary Service

Salvation in the Sanctuary

Importance of Sanctuary Service

The sanctuary in heaven is seen not just the dwelling place of our Saviour. It is also the place where all our sins are forgiven through which salvation is possible.

You are Beautiful

What God Says about You?

You are Beautiful

King Saul was described as tall, handsome, and noble. But as God instructed Samuel not to look at the outward appearance, we are to be beautiful in our hearts.

Divide the Red Sea

Miraculous God

Divide the Red Sea

Our God is a God who can perform mighty miracles by just a word. Learn more about this miracle performing God with Pr. Nagaraju.

God Loves Freely

Kannada Sabbath School

God Loves Freely

The ultimate question that God poses to each one of us in our time and place is, Do you love Me? Everything depends on our answer to that question.

13 Creation of the Creator

Messages of the Scripture

13 Creation of the Creator

The world and everything in it was made by God and nothing is existing by chance or any other method.

13 Depression

Mountains in Christian Life

13 Depression

Christian life is certainly not a bed of roses. You will have to cross several mountains on your way. Learn how to conquer the mountains you might face in your life in this series.