08 Light From the Sanctuary

Seventh-day Adventists realized that the doctrine of the heavenly sanctuary was not only an important biblical teaching but was the central tenet of a biblical theology that connected other doctrines.

Seventh-day Adventists realized that the doctrine of the heavenly sanctuary was not only an important biblical teaching but was the central tenet of a biblical theology that connected other doctrines.

Pr. Dennis Davidson

Pr. Dennis Davidson

Pr. Rajadhass A

Pr. Rajadhass A

Pr. Prasanna Kumar

Pr. Prasanna Kumar

Pr. Muthu Mathew A

Pr. Muthu Mathew A

ಅಂದಿನಿಂದ ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್
08/11/2024, 5:16 AM
Pr. Dennis Davidson
Pr. Rajadhass A, Pr. Prasanna Kumar, Pr. Muthu Mathew A