10 The Last Days

The main topic for study this week is the eschatological material of Mark 13 or the analysis of its inner context and the perspective of Ellen G. White on this topic.

The main topic for study this week is the eschatological material of Mark 13 or the analysis of its inner context and the perspective of Ellen G. White on this topic.

Pr. Dennis Davidson

Pr. Dennis Davidson

Pr. Prasanna Kumar

Pr. Prasanna Kumar

Pr. Rajadhass A

Pr. Rajadhass A

Pr. Muthu Mathew A

Pr. Muthu Mathew A

ಅಂದಿನಿಂದ ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್
09/01/2024, 6:21 AM
Pr. Dennis Davidson
Pr. Prasanna Kumar, Pr. Rajadhass A, Pr. Muthu Mathew A