Making Wise Choices for God
People who made the right choices fir God always blessed with abundant blessings. God honours those who honour Him. Our choices determines our destiny is the theme of this series.
Jehoshaphat was the fourth king of Judah. He was a God fearing king. He trusted in God and God blessed him in return. He did not encourage idol worship but chose to serve the living God.
Job was a very wealthy man in Uz. He possessed enormous wealth and household. When he lost everything, he chose to suffer for God rather than blame God.
Joseph was working in Potiphar's house. He was faithful and honest in all his work. When he was tempted into adultery, he chose to fear God and do what was right.
Esther became the queen to Ahasuerus of Persia along with her uncle Mordecai decided to save the Jews. She chose to take the risk involved.
David was the second king of the united Israel. He ruled for 40 years. He wrote many Psalms and always chose the way of truth.
When God asked Solomon what he wanted, Solomon chose a discerning heart. God was very pleased with his response and thereby showered both wisdom and riches.
While Martha was busy cooking food for the guests, Mary was sitting and listening to Jesus. Jesus told Martha the May had made the right choice.
When Darius, the king of Persia signed a decree that included a death sentence, Daniel did not fear the law, but rather prayed three times a day as usual.
Moses could have become the Pharaoh of Egypt if he had desired to become one. But he chose to be mistreated by his own people and lead the Israelites from Egypt to Caanan.
Orpha and Ruth were two Moabite daughter-in-laws to Naomi. While Orpha chose to go back to Moab, Ruth chose to stay with her mother-in-law.
Joshua lead the Israelites to Canaan after Moses. He was a good leader who trusted in God. He and his family chose to serve God.
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